Rain Hasn’t Stopped This Year’s Anime North Goers

Yup, that favorite time of the year has come and gone!


Concerts, archery tag, masquerades, cosplay chess, model show, wrestling, VIP guest appearance from prominent members in the community and over 400 vendors set up to give YOU exclusive access to unique and sometimes ONE-OF-A-KIND merchandise…

With over 34,000 Anime North attendees back in 2018 this is one of the largest anime convention in Canada. Fans make their way from the GTA, surrounding areas and even the US!

Alas, it rained this time…

And understandably of course, everyone went home, right?


Nothing will stop waves of cosplayers and fans from showing up and making this an epic, most awesome weekend Evaaa!

Personally, I didn’t get to experience as much as last year. My ritual at Anime North is to walk away having learned something new.

After all, I can always look up my favorite anime discussions and content online.

This year I got a bit carried away…

I started off with Super Dragon Ball Heroes, a promotional anime that came out for a card/arcade game. It’s not officially out in the west which is why many of us haven’t heard of it. Surprisingly though, the episodes are well made despite it only being 10-15min each.

You can google it to find more info, it was once uploaded to YouTube though. The release includes English subtitles so fans here can enjoy it too.

Another familiar anime to indulge was My Hero Academia, a marathon played from 11am – 2:30pm on Sunday. There was a reluctance towards My Hero Academia on my part when it first aired because the previews were just average. In retrospect the previews did not do justice for the show itself.

The remaining time was spent at panels. The One Piece panel was fun and one about Japanese visual novels – I came across it before but never gave it much thought until now…

If you know good visual novels send me a DM on Insta @dygestmag

What else?


Well, there was an 18+ Burlesque show!

I guess you want me to elaborate more…

Shh… I can’t talk about that…

On another note, to be fair to the weather, it didn’t rain all day so Saturday I got a chance to take some great shots of cosplayers this year. Have a look:


Yep, overall it was a fun weekend.

Note to self: Bring a sling backpack to carry snacks and drinks. Considering everything that happens you don’t get time for food, and lineups at regular hotdog stands take forever.

It would be perfect opportunity for the convention to advertise sushi restaurants just walking distance from the TCC… hmm…

So, have you reached this far and thought to yourself “Maybe I should visit Anime North next year”?


You should!

I know plenty of people who are interested but never get around to attending…

You know who you are…lol

That wraps it up, until next year when Anime North returns! See you then!

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