Nehst Studios, the production powerhouse founded by Larry Meistrich in 2007, is setting its sights on a fresh cinematic goal: bringing beloved stories from Matt Christopher’s sports-themed novels to the big screen. This ambitious move, marked by the acquisition of film rights from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, signifies a broader effort to blend…
Another Jekyll and Hyde Movie Was Greenlit
It seems the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has never quite left the cultural imagination. Over a century after Robert Louis Stevenson first published his novella in 1886, filmmakers continue to mine the duality of human nature for cinematic gold. The news of yet another adaptation—this time modernized and headlined by director…
VOTD: My Favorite Movie (Star Trek vs. Star Wars)
The debate between Star Trek and Star Wars fans has raged for decades. These two iconic franchises represent more than just space-faring adventures—they encapsulate differing philosophies, approaches to storytelling, and the power of fandom. My personal favorite, though, has fluctuated over the years as both franchises have evolved (or stumbled). Let’s explore what makes…
RealNetworks Stepped Up Its RealDVD Legal Case
The Core of the Conflict: RealDVD and Fair Use At the heart of this legal drama is RealDVD, a software tool that allows users to create backup copies of their DVDs on their hard drives. RealNetworks designed RealDVD with safeguards, such as encryption, to ensure the backups could not be shared or pirated. The software…
Lindsay Lohan Joins the Other Side
Lindsay Lohan’s career has been a series of highs, lows, and reinventions. With her undeniable talent shining through in hits like Mean Girls and The Parent Trap, Lohan once held Hollywood in the palm of her hand. However, her journey has also been marked by struggles and a persistent effort to reclaim her space in…
Robert Zemeckis’ a Christmas Carol Movie Poster
The poster for Robert Zemeckis’ A Christmas Carol (2009) is more than just promotional material; it’s a window into the fantastical reimagining of Charles Dickens’ timeless tale. Released ahead of the film’s theatrical debut on November 6, 2009, the poster encapsulates the eerie yet heartwarming tone of this Victorian-era story, brought to life through cutting-edge…
When ‘The Story of Stuff’ a Hit in Classrooms
Annie Leonard’s The Story of Stuff has left an indelible mark on classrooms across America, reshaping how children perceive their relationship with material possessions. The video, which follows the lifecycle of goods from production to disposal, delivers its message with simplicity and clarity, making complex environmental issues accessible even to young audiences. The result? A…
Google Blames Cheeseburgers for Destroying the Planet
In recent years, tech giants have increasingly weighed in on global issues, with one notable example being Google’s surprising critique of the humble cheeseburger. While the connection between cheeseburgers and planetary destruction may seem far-fetched, it reflects a growing awareness of the environmental impact of food production, particularly the meat and dairy industries. The Cheeseburger’s…
When Gold Rose Above $920 on Weaker Dollar
In financial history, February 2009 stands out as a pivotal moment when gold futures breached $920 per ounce, driven largely by a weakening U.S. dollar and unsettling economic indicators. This milestone illustrates gold’s enduring role as a hedge against economic uncertainty and highlights broader market dynamics that remain relevant today. The surge in gold prices…
Hubble Servicing Mission Opened Space Shuttle’s Last Act
The Hubble Space Telescope is among humanity’s most remarkable achievements, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe since its launch in 1990. Yet, its legacy owes as much to the astronauts and engineers who serviced it in space as it does to its advanced instrumentation. The Hubble Servicing Mission of 2009, conducted by the Space Shuttle…