Love transcends everything. Time, space, adversity. Or so they say. Long distance relationships are often an eyebrow raiser. “How do they do it? One of them must be cheating. Are they doing the internet…stuff?” They can be painful and difficult to cope with. No one ever claims that hundreds or even thousand of kilometers in…
Are People Inherently Good Or Bad
People are inherently good. I truly believe this, despite several circumstances and events in world history and current ongoings that do not support this belief. While many people are evil, I maintain that their is an innate selflessness and goodness in all of us. I’ve seen evidence of this almost every day of my life,…
Confidence And Self-Esteem In Today’s Culture
Confidence can be gathered from many sources. In competitions or in working situations, preparation can provide confidence. Individuals can gather more self-esteem by working hard and knowing they are ready. However, it’s harder to achieve an elevated state of assurance in yourself in general because of the modern world of advertising. With unfeasible perfection being…
Life Lessons On Bullies
As a child, my third grade class was forced to tolerate weekly seminars on how to prevent bullying, stop bullies and help the victims. We were taught to humanize yourself to the bullies. Tell them how you feel. Don’t give them any power. Our small Catholic school, however, did not need the assistance. We were…