This comes from a guy who is serving time for his country. He is currently overseas, far away from the love of his life and can’t wait until he is able to get off the plane and see her again. He knows that it is hard to go through, but assures her that he is doing the job for the two of them.
Dear (insert name here),
Understand this distance you and I are going through right now wasn’t my choice. It is something that was out of my control, but it is something that I had to do in order to keep our life from going astray. I hate this distance just as much as you do and if it were my decision, I would always be by your side, but this is the career I chose way before you came into my life and I have come too far to just walk away from it. I’m sorry if this sounds selfish, but I am working hard to take care of you and to make sure our future is set – before you know it, we will be together. The one thing that keeps me together is you. Every night, when I go to sleep, it is you that I picture. I can’t wait to see your face and run into your arms the minute I get off of that plane.
The other day, a worker asked me what I was thinking about, because I had a “dreamy” look in my eyes. I began to tell him about you and I showed him a picture I keep in my wallet of you and I together. I couldn’t help but to smile as I told him how you and I met – do you remember that day? I remember it like it was just yesterday.
I have a question, when you see the sun shining, what do you think of? Let me tell you what brings me to this question …
I woke up this morning and felt the sunlight on my face – the sun was lighting the room up. I imagined the sunlight being you. Why? Because you are just like the sunlight, you light my life up in ways I don’t think you even realize. So now, every time I feel the sunshine and feel the warmth, I think of you.
At that moment, I knew I needed to wake up and write this letter to tell you just how much I love you. Forgive me, because I’m not exactly the best writer in the world and I may not know the best words to use – I am much better at showing my love, than I am at writing about my love.
What I can tell you is that I love you more than I have ever loved someone in my life before. The love that I have for you is unconditional – it is a love that will never go away, regardless of where we are at in this world. See, we are oceans apart, but here I am, still thinking of you and still imagining you as the sunlight shining across my face. All I ask from you is that you never give up on us and continue loving me. I promise that I shall do everything in my power to make sure you are safe and to make sure you feel love, until the end of time and beyond.
I truly am blessed to have you in my life and I really hope you feel the same way as I do.
I have to hurry up and end this letter, because I have some work I have to do – keep holding that fort down and before you know it, I will be home, sleeping right next to you and showing you just how much I love you. Until then, make sure you go outside and feel the sun shine down on you and know that I will continue loving you forever and always.
Yours truly – hugs and kisses – (insert name here)
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