This comes from a guy who is madly in love with his girlfriend. He believes his girlfriend is one of a kind and has been made for him. Feel free to use these love letters for her and make it your own.
My Princess,
To sit here and tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen would seem like pure flattery, but it is true. You are the epitome of it and I think of you all the time. I am not saying this to you just to say it, I am saying it because it is true. You know, throughout life, I have never found someone like you – finding someone like you is rare and I believe I am the luckiest, not to mention the happiest, person in this world simply because I have you in my heart.
Every single day, every step of the way, I cherish the love you give – when I look in your eyes and see you looking at me with those beautiful eyes, my heart melts. There is nothing in this world I would rather do than spend time with you – no matter what we’re doing, whether it’s having a dinner date, watching a movie, watching the sun set or just laying in bed, I enjoy you.
When you’re sleeping, I watch you and wonder how I could have gotten so lucky as to have you in my life. No one has ever made me feel this way and I love the simple things that you do. Effortlessly, you have become the center of my world and without you, I would be lost. All I ask of you is that you love me and never leave me. I want to grow old with you.
Looking back on the time before you walked into my life, I remember myself running around, like a nomad. I was drifting from one place to the other and didn’t care about what happened to me. Then, along you came and from that day forward, everything changed. You have given me so much and for that, I plan on spending a lifetime with you, making you feel safe and secure in my arms. You are a once in a lifetime gift and I am one of the luckiest men in the world.
You have given me so many things in my life and it is hard for me to keep track of everything you have given me, but I cherish every single moment. If I could go back in time and make different decisions, I wouldn’t change a thing, because it is those decisions that led me to you – even if I went through a storm in the past, I would do it all over again, because that storm is what led me to you, the rainbow.
I couldn’t ever thank you enough for doing everything you have done for me.
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Always and forever, yours truly – (insert name here)