I think one of the traditions that should make it back into the mainstream society is love letters. Good old physical love letters that you deliver by mail. Where’s the satisfaction of receiving an instant letter that you were waiting for?
There’s an aspect of romance missing in today’s relationship where the anticipation of knowing a message has been sent but you have to play the waiting game to receive it. It lets your mind fill with potentials of what might be said, maybe imagining what new things they’ve been up to, or what they’ll say to you…
So in honour of giving you more long distance relationship quotes I’m going to give you love letter quotes from around the world.
“We shall surely see each other soon; moreover, today I cannot share with you the thoughts I have had during these last few days touching my own life –
If our hearts were always close together, I would have none of these.
My heart is full of so many things to say to you – ah – there are moments when I feel that speech amounts to nothing at all Cheer up – remain my true, my only treasure, my all as I am yours.” – Ludwig von Beethoven
This love letter written by Beethoven inspired many scenes in movies and television. Although this love letter was not meant towards anyone in particular scholars have debated that it could be addressed to one of two women – Josephine Brunsvik or Antonie Brentano.
You see, Beethoven never wrote an address down or a name in his letter and it was only found after his death. Interestingly enough he is said to have never been out of love considering he “loved” many women. Due to the discovery of this letter after his death the intended person remains unknown.
“If all that I have said and done, and am still but too ready to say and do, have not sufficiently proved what my real feelings are and must be ever towards you, my love, I have no other proof to offer.” – Lord Byron
Ah, Lord Byron. He said it quite beautifully didn’t he?
If you know anything about Byron it’s that he was a famous seducer. He first fell madly in love with a girl named Mary Chaworth while attending school in north-west London – Harrow. There is a possibility that she never loved him back because Byron refused to go back to school and see her.
Byron went on to have affairs with many married women as he traveled the world.
“Time passes swiftly, but is it not joyous to see how great and growing is the treasure we have gathered together, amid the storms and stresses of so many eventful and to millions tragic and terrible years?” – Winston Churchill
This quote is part of a letter Churchill wrote to his wife whom he married in 1908. They met at a dinner party but only after their second encounter did they pursue their attraction. It is said that Churchill and his wife Clementine always wrote to each other when they were apart.
“Time passes swiftly, but is it not joyous to see how great and growing is the treasure we have gathered together, amid the storms and stresses of so many eventful and to millions tragic and terrible years?” – Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte’s first wife was Joséphine de Beauharnais. Despite the controversy about her being 6 or 7 years older with two kids Napoleon still married her. His family was quite against it as this was not the norm at the time. Napoleon wrote this letter to her while on a war campaign.
That’s it for love story quotes from around the world. Hope you enjoyed it.