Enjoy these love poems for her and read more by following this link. You can use these for inspiration or use segments of it and make it your own. Hope you enjoy it.
It’s almost as if
there’s a secret between us
just something you and I
share within
of which no one else knows
or can only dare to imagine.
What they don’t know
is how often I think
about the many ways
to make you laugh
the value of that reward
of a slight giggle
or stifled chuckle
or even to see you crack a smile.
They would be shocked to know
of all the times
I go about
and think of what you would say
how you are doing
and wonder if you would be proud
of all I’ve done and been.
Sometimes I think
of how I should have been
or of what I should have done
or could have done.
But I have no regrets
of all that has brought
me here to you
our life joined complete.
When I see your face

and you look up and smile
tell me of all your doings
and I hear you so happy,
I smile with you of all the stories
and things
and people
and places
of all you have done and all you have been.
While you live so large
and the world admires you so,
it is enough to know
that there are things
only I know.
You look at me
in a way love can’t hide,
while my love may show as well
our secrets are always safe.
Know that you are for me
and I am for you
and no one has to know.
I Had Forgotten
I had forgotten
how the wind moved your hair
causing you to fuss and curse
and check your reflection in the water
as we walked through the park.
I had forgotten
about the way you hummed when you walked
going about with a carefree step
speaking to all creatures
and distracting me from my serious talking.
I had forgotten
that you used to get lost in thought
never pay attention to my words
and interrupt me often.
I had forgotten
how you wrinkled your nose
when you thought it funny
all my big ideas
and grandiose plans.
I had forgotten
that you always took a long time
to check your makeup
in the morning.
How you would comb your hair every night
and do a multitude of rituals
I never thought you needed.
I had forgotten
how you rolled your eyes
when I asked your opinion
of all the latest styles
or if you wanted this or that.
I had forgotten
how you would give a nervous giggle
when I introduced you to my friends
and tap me on the arm
when it was time to go.
I had forgotten
the care you took
to adjust my tie
and smooth down that corner of my shirt
that was forever wrinkled and turned up.
I had forgotten
the way you wanted me
to always eat right
and never skip the gym.
I had forgotten
how you always wanted to go dancing
and I never wanted to leave the house.
I had forgotten
that puppy you saw
on that day at the farm
how you wanted him so
and I said not to bother.
I had forgotten
so much
but never the way you said my name
or how you looked at me as if I was many years younger
or that I love you so.
Time Will Tell
Only time will tell
of what my heart cannot
the way I feel a beat
the moment you walk in a room.
Or of the smile
that graces my lips
as I hear you say hello
when you answer the phone
and I have called for no reason.
How there are hours and hours
that pass
with no work performed,
as I only think of you.
Time will tell
of a one-side affair
from afar,
as I try to figure an approach
a way to get you to see
what I have always known.
I knew from the start
from the way your beauty touched
something deep inside
and how your voice soothed my heart.
I was aware
of the care you sought
what you had to give.
I couldn’t quite find the words
to tell you
that an angel’s grace
had found her home.
Like a child
you have no idea
of the love to come
or what your simple touch
does to my soul.
You have no clue
of what is about to unfold
and how you will come to see
what I have known.
As I watch you now
unaware of what’s to come
blind to all that has become my world,
I take comfort
in this completeness
in the fullness of my spirit
and the oneness that only time will tell.